French Bulldog Breeder in MA | Trenholm’s Bulldogs

Litter of French Bulldog Puppies

Trenholm’s Bulldogs

Are you looking for a French Bulldog breeder in Massachusetts? Are you going to be a first-time French Bulldog parent and you’re not sure where to start? A great place to begin is to join Facebook groups specific to Frenchies. Not only can you learn more about the breed from Frenchie parents in your area but you can find local breeders. In one such group for Central Mass, I found Carrie Trenholm the breeder from Trenholm’s Bulldogs. 

About Trenholm’s Bulldogs

Carrie has been breeding French Bulldogs in Massachusetts for over five years. After she got her first Frenchie she absolutely fell head over heels for the breed. If you’re new to the breed you’ll soon find that you will too. I’d say there are more Frenchie parents with multiple Frenchies than there are with just one!  

Mother Black and Brindle French Bulldog

Carrie is a big supporter of ensuring the health of all her puppies. All of the dogs in her breeding program are health tested prior to breeding. The grandparents of the puppies have also been health tested! If you want evidence of those tests Carrie will gladly provide you with the documentation. Trenholm’s Bulldogs have bred over 65 puppies in their Massachusetts breeding program. None of those puppies have ever been reported to her as needing brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) surgery. And when you listen to the videos of her puppies and their mothers you don’t hear any difficulties in breathing or snoring when sleeping! This French Bulldog breeder provides a one-year health guarantee with all of her puppies. And all of Trenholm’s Bulldogs breeding dogs are registered with the AKC. Carrie notes this is important because it tracks the ancestry of the French Bulldogs.

What Previous Clients Have to Say

Carrie from Trenholm’s Bulldogs truly cares about the breed and all of her puppies. You can see the reviews on her Facebook page that all mention how communicative and caring she was with the person throughout the entire process. Multiple people mention speaking almost every day with Carrie and visiting their puppy before taking them home. One person noted their pups’ temperament as being “amazing” and another talks about their impeccable structure and health of theirs. Check her reviews here!

This Massachusetts French Bulldog Breeder’s Puppies

Not only is this Massachusetts French Bulldog breeder adamant about the betterment and health of the breed, but she socializes the Frenchie puppies daily with the adults and children in her home. They also get lots of socialization with their littermates and the other dogs in her program. What could be better? Well, Trenholm’s Bulldogs litter box trains the puppies! Having your puppy already working on going potty in a designated area will help make potty training loads easier! Have you heard how stubborn French Bulldog babies can be with potty training?

Merle French Bulldog Puppy

If you want to purchase a puppy from Trenholm’s Bulldogs you will need to pay a deposit to reserve the French Bulldog you have picked out. Deposits can be paid when the puppies are about three weeks of age. But before you do, Carrie wants you to know that “French bulldog owners should be aware of potential health risks associated with the breed and find a trusted breeder that strives for health and quality in their dogs. It is always about improving the breed. New Frenchie owners should be prepared to be totally smitten by their new family member and want to spend every minute snuggling with them”!  

Some Common Health Concerns for the Breed

Some common health issues with the French Bulldog breed are IVDD, BOAS, and heat stroke. IVDD (intervertebral disc disease is a degenerative disease that can affect a French Bulldog’s spinal cord. It can cause a range of mobility issues. IVDD is common in short-legged dogs. While Trenholm’s Bulldogs have never had a BOAS surgery reported to them it is a risk with all Frenchies. Loud snoring, frequent reverse sneezing, and noises when breathing can be signs of BOAS. BOAS can be checked for by the vet and surgery can be done at the time of spay or neuter. Something especially important to note is the French Bulldogs, as with all Brachial breeds, can overheat very quickly. Be sure to keep your Frenchie inside your home on hot days to prevent heat stroke. 

The French Bulldog Buying Process with Trenholm’s Bulldogs

Black and Brindle French Bulldog Puppy

After learning everything you can about the French Bulldog breed including their health concerns, contact Trenholm’s Bulldogs, a Massachusetts breeder, for your puppy! If Carrie has any available puppies you can pay the deposit on your Frenchie around three weeks. If there are no available puppies she will let you know about upcoming litters. You don’t need to pay a deposit to be added to the waitlist for an upcoming litter. You will need to sign a contract before you can take the puppy home. The contract covers the health guarantee, when to have the puppy spayed or neutered, and plenty more. After the Frenchie puppy turns eight weeks old you can bring them home! 

Want to find a veterinarian for your new French Bulldog? Check out these vets!

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